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Stephen Lawrence weblog

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Human brains are not
sufficiently complex
to be self-conscious.

Some atoms are caught,
held in concert, shimmering

When something becomes
one thing or another thing
quantum gates open.

The left or right glove?
Spukhafte fernwirkungen
collapse wave function.

The great lesson of
the universe: things are more
complex than you think.

Quitline advertisement

“Smokers: You Disgust Us.”

Generation X understands Generation Y even less than baby boomers do.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

High petrol prices will lead to consumers paying more.

Which way did they go? Not that way, that’s the ocean.

Heard from an earnest feminist on ABC radio: “We don’t want to see women becoming invisiblised.”

Monday, January 16, 2006

A diary

"A diary is like a drink. We tend to indulge in it over often; it becomes a habit which would ever seduce us to say more than we ought to say and more than we have the experimental qualifications to state."
(William Soutar – from The Australian, 08 Jan 05)

A gay passersby said to me: “As Peggy Lee says, ‘Is that all there is?’”

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Australian Mutual slogan

“We want what you want. Your money.”

Humans are at the optimum size to see up and down the quantum. This puts us in a unique position to develop an understanding of the whole.

“Warning: Some Material May Reoffend.”

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Bjork asked about sex: “I like it. I like it. I like music.”

The composer Henze said he fell in love with the Italians when he heard the following conversation between a wife and husband: “I’ve had an affair.” “Well, if it makes you happy.”

Monday, January 02, 2006

Hoax is not always Theft

If you were shown the documentary of your life, you’d want to see yourself as old as possible.