Condoleeza Rice
We know that Saddam
cavorts with Al-Qaida,
said Condoleeza.
Rice’s advice to Bush:
punish France, forgive Russia,
ignore Germany.
She changed her tune, in Europe as US Secretary of State. Rice alighted from the plane stepping onto the tarmac wearing a body-length black coat. The coat blew open to reveal shining, knee-high jackboots. There was an S&M power thing built into her attempts to impress and deal in a more conciliatory way with the increasingly globally (and fiscally) influential EU.
I punish. I give.
Condoleeza strides the tarmac.
I give. I punish.
cavorts with Al-Qaida,
said Condoleeza.
Rice’s advice to Bush:
punish France, forgive Russia,
ignore Germany.
She changed her tune, in Europe as US Secretary of State. Rice alighted from the plane stepping onto the tarmac wearing a body-length black coat. The coat blew open to reveal shining, knee-high jackboots. There was an S&M power thing built into her attempts to impress and deal in a more conciliatory way with the increasingly globally (and fiscally) influential EU.
I punish. I give.
Condoleeza strides the tarmac.
I give. I punish.