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Stephen Lawrence weblog

Monday, May 23, 2005

Maria Full of Grace

‘Maria Full of Grace,’ at Trak cinema, gave us material to discuss over lunch at Grimaldi’s. But I wondered about the film’s immersion in Catholic symbolism:
· Maria swallowed the drugs like receiving the Eucharist
· her job was to strip thorns from roses exported to America
· she got pregnant
· her hands made stylised gestures in front of her body
· the congregation of drug mules on the plane sat or interacted quietly as if in church pews
—and the title of the movie attracted attention to all of this.

Was Maria the novice passing ritual trials to be able to pass into the US? I searched for reviews. (One suggested that Maria symbolised Columbia, stuffed full of drugs yet pregnant with the hope of economic escape.) Unable to find with certainly an intentional symbolic structure to justify it artistically, we decided it was likely the director drew upon everyday images that suffuses this very Catholic South American country.


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