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Stephen Lawrence weblog

Saturday, May 14, 2005

John Updike in The New Yorker last November, on the King James Bible: "our language's lone masterpiece produced by committee, at least until this year's 9/11 Commission Report."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Stephen,

I've just discovered your blog!

Regarding your comment on hope: "Hope is built into being human -- it may be even a lizard-brain instinct", is this a personal quote?

As you may remember, hope and hopelessness are among my areas of interest and research.

Thanks, also for the Graham Greene reference.

Kind regards,
Deb M-Z

11:31 p.m.  
Blogger Stephen Lawrence said...

Hi Deb, good to hear from you. You are the first person ever to comment on my site! I am no longer a blog isolate.

I'm pretty sure the hope quote is original -- I suspect I'm plundering myself from somewhere in the deep past. Yes, I remember this is a subject of your research. Of course it comes out in your poetry. I must say I thought `Want' in the Reader was very strong -- you have cornered the market in this genre and for this kind of character. (Actualy, I thought this year's Reader was one of the strongest I've ever read. It dredged out the best in the local poets, and even revealed an underbelly or two.)

Thanks again for taking the interest to comment.



8:16 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment on "Want" Stephen.

I'll come back to your blog from time to time.

Regards to Celine.


12:11 a.m.  

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